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6 things you must do to increase your website security

27 July, 2022 Web/App

Website security is the most important task in the process of web operation. According to a report, more than 50,000 websites are hacked every day and a website is hacked every 45 minutes. This not only causes the loss of users’ information, but also directly affects business processes. In this article, let’s learn about these existing problems with Pando and find out how to avoid it.

I. What is website security?

Website security is an extremely essential function and task to ensure the safety of the website during operation and usage period. Administrators should regularly check and build high-level security systems to avoid anything that can happen when hackers attack your website 

To own a website that runs smoothly and effectively, make sure you have and are securing your website in the best way.

II. Consequences of website attack

If you think that security risks have nothing to do with your website, you are wrong. Don’t think that your website has no value to hackers. They always have different reasons to visit your website illegally, sometimes to steal valuable customer information, or help competitors get your  business strategies.

And yet, you think that your website is secured by reputable firms that are using very safe website security technologies that no hacker can get in. This may have been accurate at the time when you installed it. But technology is always evolving and growing, we can not assure that it will permanently be unbreakable. One way or another, hackers always have a way to attack your website and steal your business information. 

In addition, many websites are now integrated with online payment functions or profitable transactions. This is a “delicious” piece for hackers who intend to infiltrate your server. 

A hacked website causes numerous consequences:

  • Business activities are interrupted
  • Brand image reputation is affected
  • Your business strategy can be leaked
  • Loss of users’ data and personal information disclosure
  • Google keywords ranking is lost, affecting the SEO system
  • Can’t use paid advertising channels such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads…

III. Most common types of website attack

Website hacking methods are extremely diverse, but the 5 following forms of website hacking are the most common, accounting for most security attacks!

5 common types of website security attacks

3.1. Path Traversal

Path traversal (also known as Directory traversal) is a web vulnerability that allows attackers to read files on the server. It leads to the disclosure of sensitive information such as login information, some operating system files or folders. In some cases, it is also possible to write on files on the server, which allows attackers to alter the data or even take control of the server.

3.2. SQL Injection (SQLi)

SQL Injection is a hacking technique that takes advantage of the query vulnerabilities of applications. It is done by inserting a SQL snippet to falsify the original query, so that data can be extracted from the database. SQL injection can allow attackers to perform operations like a webmaster based on the application’s database.

3.3. Local File Inclusion (LFI)

LFI Attack is a type of website hacking based on a security hole in the code, the hacker will perform other tasks available on the code or view unauthorized information – these are the tasks we do not want to perform because of security. & affects server performance.

For example, when we write code to open an image file, the hacker will also open another file on the server (eg hosting configuration file, website ..).

3.4. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

This type of website hack targets security holes in the code, but uses client-side (user-side) execution commands. The commands that Hackers use are usually client side languages such as Javascript(JS), VBScript or Flash, HTML… the most popular are JS and HTML nowadays.

The purpose of the JS, HTML code is:

  • Steal user’s cookies: this cookie is used to authenticate your identity when logging into your account on websites. With this cookie, hackers can hack into your account on the websites you are logged in.
  • Phishing: putting fraudulent content on a website to trick users into entering personal information, or performing other requests (such as sending money to certain accounts or clicking on malicious links …)

3.5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDOS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. It is a method of attacking a server containing a website by using many different devices and computers to bring down the server. The phenomenon of DDOS attack is when there are many visitors to your website at the same time, the server is interrupted and it is unable to be used. The DDOS attacker is not only using his computer to attack, but your computer can also be used to attack. These attackers will take advantage of your computer control to send data, many requests to a certain website or email address.

IV. 6 ways to increase your website security

If you don’t want to visit your website one day and realize that the money in your company’s account has been stolen, quickly install really strong security for your website. Here are 5 effective and optimal ways to increase your website security that you can consult:

4.1. Secure your website with HTTPS and SSL Certificate

You should immediately use SSL – HTTPS protocol for your Web. This will let visitors know that they are communicating with a suitable, secure server, nothing can block the content they are viewing.

Without purchasing SSL security, hackers can easily change the information on your site. At the same time, they may collect personal information from people who visit the Web.

In addition, using this protocol also helps improve the Website’s search ranking significantly. The reason is because Google gives special priority to SSL-equipped Web sites.

Use SSL – HTTPS protocol for your Web

4.2. Set a highly secure password

This is also one of the ways to secure your website that you need to know. With so many websites, databases, and programs that require passwords, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. A lot of people use the same password everywhere, to remember their login information. But this is a significant mistake that can affect website security.

Create a special password for every new login request. Come up with complex, random, and hard-to-guess passwords. Then store them outside the website folder.

4.3. Keep your Software And Plugins up-to-date

Regular software and plugin updates are necessary to prevent hackers from attacking your website. Besides security functionality for WordPress websites, the updated version also comes with new features, fixes old bugs, improves code quality and increases page load speed. 

4.4. Upgrading CMS system

No software is perfect. Hackers often stalk software vulnerabilities to attack and infiltrate to perform bad intentions. Therefore, we need to make sure to always update all Website Plugins with the latest version, especially when upgrading the CMS system.

4.5. Choose secure web hosting

Many hosts offer server security features to better protect your uploaded website data. There are certain aspects to check when choosing a web hosting:

  • Does the web hosting provide a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)? SFTP
  • Does it provide file backup service?
  • How good are their updates on security upgrades?

No matter which hosting provider you choose, make sure it has what you need to keep your website safe.

4.6. Regular backup your website

Backup your website is extremely necessary to prepare for the worst case that can happen. If there is an unfortunate incident such as the web being penetrated or crashed, the backups will be very helpful. Your task will be a lot easier if you regularly back up your website. 


The development of the website is both an opportunity for businesses, but also a problem that businesses need to pay special attention to is building your website a safe and solid security system to limit unnecessary risks. If you want to enhance website security or develop a comprehensive website for your company, you need to partner with an experienced web development company.

Pando Infinity is a leading company in the software development industry in Vietnam. We provide innovative and applicative solutions that exceed customers’ expectations: Blockchain Development, Web/App Development, AR/VR and AI/Machine Learning. Contact our experts to figure out what values we can bring to you and your business.

Read more: Top 8 free websites for software testers

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